Point-in-Time 2022

Sign up at EventBrite to volunteer on February 26, 2022

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Baltimore City's 2022 Point-in-Time Count


On February 26, 2022, Baltimore City will conduct its Point-In-Time (PIT) Count — an important service engagement and data collection strategy that provides a snapshot of the number of people experiencing homelessness in Baltimore City on a given night. Thank you for being our partner and amplifying important information about the count via social media.

Below, you will find sample posts and images. Please share these messages and graphics on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to help us spread the word about the count and recruit volunteers. Use square images for Facebook or Instagram and landscape images for Twitter. We recommended posting twice a week but please note that volunteer registration ends on February 18, 2022 and posts soliciting recruitment should end on that date.

Sign up to volunteer at EventBrite »»

Sample Posts

If you customize your posts, please use the hashtag #BmoreCounts when possible. Thank you!


The Point-In-Time (PIT) Count is an annual count of sheltered and unsheltered individuals experiencing homelessness. Baltimore City’s Unsheltered Count will be held on February 26, 2022. For more information and to register to volunteer, go to https://bit.ly/3El7Jkf #BmoreCounts

The Point-In-Time (PIT) Count is an annual count of sheltered and unsheltered individuals experiencing homelessness. Volunteers are needed on Saturday, Feb 26 to canvass Baltimore City and survey our neighbors living in places not suitable for habitation. For more information and to register to volunteer, go to https://bit.ly/3El7Jkf #BmoreCounts


Let’s Make Everyone Count! Volunteers (individuals and groups) needed for Baltimore City’s annual Point-in-Time (PIT) Count on February 26. Register today https://bit.ly/3El7Jkf #BmoreCounts

Let’s Make Everyone Count! Volunteers (individuals and groups) needed for Baltimore City’s annual Point-in-Time (PIT) Count on February 26. Continuums of Care across the nation complete a PIT Count every year or every two years to determine who is experiencing homelessness in their community and better inform strategies to end homelessness. For more information and to register to volunteer, go to https://bit.ly/3El7Jkf #BmoreCounts


If you are without shelter, camping out, or living in your vehicle, please be sure that you are counted. Volunteers will be canvassing the City the evening of Saturday, February 26th to conduct outreach and survey people experiencing homelessness. #BmoreCounts #2022PITcount #mybmore

Si usted no tiene refugio, está acampando o viviendo en su vehículo, asegúrese de que usted sea contado como parte de la encuesta 'PIT Count'. En la noche del sabado 26 de febrero 2022, voluntarios estarán visitando todas partes de la ciudad para llevar a cabo actividades de divulgación y realizar encuestas a las personas que se encuentran sin hogar. #BmoreCounts #2022PITCount #mybmore


You may drag the images below onto your desktop, or right-click on the image and choose "Save as…" to download the images to your device.

Images for Instagram


Images for Twitter/Facebook


Printable Flyers
