about THE leac
The Lived Experience Advisory Committee (LEAC) is one of the two CoC dedicated committees that convene individuals with lived experience of homelessness. The committee is responsible for advising the Continuum of Care and the Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services— with the goal of improving the quality and effectiveness of the homeless service system.

The voices of people with lived experience of homelessness are critical and included in every aspect of the planning, decision-making, and activities undertaken by the Continuum of Care. Members of the LEAC sit on almost every CoC committee, including committees tasked with making decisions about funding and system-wide policies. In their capacity, members of the Lived Experience Advisory Committee have worked with the city to monitor and reform shelter policies and operations, promote affordable housing solutions, and recommend best practices on engaging people with lived experience. Six CoC Board positions are dedicated to people who have lived experience of homelessness. The LEAC Co-chairs are also members of the CoC Executive Committee.
Current Goals

- Launching a Public Education Campaign: The committee will develop a communication strategy and campaign with specific actions to educate the public about homelessness in Baltimore City and in the U.S.
- Building a Community of Action and Support: The committee will develop a set of actions to engage people experiencing homeless in shelters and other sites, including:
- Reforming the Homeless Service System: The committee will engage and educate MOHS and provider agencies to improve the delivery of services in shelters and other parts of the system.
- Advocating for Permanent Solutions to Homelessness.: The committee will seek opportunities to advocate for permanent solutions to homelessness at the local, state, and national levels.

The LEAC meets weekly on Fridays from 10:00AM to 11:30AM and is open to anyone with current or past lived experience of homelessness.
Meetings Location: Our Daily Bread 725 Fallsway, RM 121
Occasionally, the LEAC may schedule online meetings via zoom. See below for logistics.
Phone: 3017158582 #948 2285 4248
Fill out the form below to contact us, schedule a presentation, or request a speaker.
Expertise from Lived Experience
People with lived experience of homelessness have the best understanding of its realities and hold valuable perspectives about how to tackle it.
"Anyone with lived experience of homelessness has a degree in homelessness and can use it to inform solutions to end homelessness. We have the knowledge to end Homelessness. "
—Jeff Garrett, LEAC Member

Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week

In observance of Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, Baltimore City LEAC launched #KNOWTHEFACTS, a public education campaign that aims to raise awareness on the issue of homelessness in Baltimore City & the U.S. Folow us on social media to check it out. #HHWeek2020
- Fb: @JourneyHomeBaltimore
- Twitter : @TJHBaltimore
- Instagram: tjhbaltimore
Rapid Re-Housing 101/ WEBINAR

Are you currently experiencing homelessness in Baltimore City? You may be eligible for Rapid Re-Housing (RRH), a program that connects families and individuals experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. Join us virtually on Friday, February 19th, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM for a shared learning event on Rapid Re-housing in Baltimore City. Experts panelists will provide an overview of the program and highlight available resources.
LEAC Outreach Campaign

Are you an individual with lived experience of homelessness interested in using your voice and expertise to shape responses to homelessness in Baltimore City? Join the LEAC. We meet every Friday from 10:00AM to 11:30AM.