Baltimore City Continuum Board
The Continuum Board, comprised of elected and appointed positions, acts on behalf of the full Continuum to maintain direction and oversight for the mission of the Continuum, including selection and oversight of Appointed Entities, as required by the Continuum Charter and Bylaws policies and provisions and HUD processes and requirements. The Board must include representation from at least one homeless or formerly homeless constituent. The Board has the authority to establish Continuum Committees and Workgroups, which are responsible for specific activities and strategies, and which will be reported to the Board.
Specifically, the Board consists of the following:
- Seventeen – twenty-five (17-25) Elected Seats (Voting Members)
- Four-Six (4-6) Homeless or Formerly Homeless Individuals
- Four-Six (4-6) Homeless and At-Risk of Homeless Service Providers
- Four-Six (4-6) At-Large Representatives
- Four-Six (4-6) System Leaders
- One (1) City Representative, nominated by the Mayor
- Named designees for up to nine (9) Appointed Seats (Non-voting Members)
- Six (6) City Agency Representatives (appointed by Mayor)
- Up to three (3) Appointed Entities