The Journey Home Care-A-Thon is 12 hours of Baltimore culture and virtual community engagement. Guests will learn more about homelessness in Baltimore City and participate in a wide range of activities, including interviews with local celebrities, live music, and a closing dance party.
Why this event matters
While the fundraiser will enable us to come together and enjoy the activities aforementioned, we must not lose sight of its purpose. As we recover from a pandemic that made it clear that housing is health care and housing justice is racial justice, the next normal calls us to show up for our unhoused neighbors like never before. This means educating ourselves, doubling down on our investments in compassionate, long-term solutions to housing, and advancing policies and programmatic changes that will address our community’s housing crisis with a race equity lens.
Funds raised from the Care-A-Thon will be used to accelerate permanent housing placements for our unhoused neighbors and address their most basic needs.

Donation Tiers & auction

What to expect

Confirmed Guests & Speakers

Brandon M. Scott, 52nd Mayor of Baltimore City

Wes Moore, Chief Executive Officer, Robin Hood

Christina Dukes, Deputy Director, National Center for Homeless Education
Danielle Torain, Director, Open Society Institute (OSI)

Anthony Williams, Chair, Baltimore City Lived Experience Advisory Committee (LEAC)

Tisha Edwards, Acting Director, Mayor's Office of Homeless Services

Joseph "Joe" T. Jones, Jr., President and CEO, Center For Urban Families

Lolah James, Chair, Baltimore City Youth Action Board (YAB)

Nate Fields, Executive Director, Youth Empowered Society (YES)

Angel St. Jean, Co-founder & CEO, The Black Brain Trust (TBBT)

Rev. Dr. K. A. Slayton Sr, Pastor, Lanham UMC Church
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Melody Concas, Shriver Fellow, Mayor's Office of Homeless Services

Hendrik Schulte, Program Coordinator, St. Vincent de Paul's Promise Housing

Allen Blackwell, III, Homeless and Foster Care Liaison, Baltimore City Public Schools

Christina Dukes, Deputy Director, National Center for Homeless Education

Shawn Jones, Housing Justice Activist

Sonce Reese, CoC Board Member

Allison Price, Senior Advisor, Digital impact and Governance Initiative, and Blockchain Trust Accelerator, New America

Noah Harlan, Founder, Two Bulls
And Many More...
10:00 AM - 10:25 AM
Welcome & Opening Keynote
Brandon M. Scott, Mayor of Baltimore City
Winston Philip, Chair of Baltimore City CoC
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
The 10 x 10 Exhibit on Voice
Arts Every Day
The 10×10 Exhibit on VOICE is designed to spread awareness on issues that both define and connect us all. Every voice projects the individuality of its speaker. Our voices are incomparable, affirming, and pivotal to our ability to truly bring change into this world. These pieces come from students of all ages and identities, allowing us to open our eyes to new perspectives on many issues. Each piece is impactful in its own way as students use their creativity to educate, inform, and inspire others and themselves to bring about change in their lives and in their communities. These works are a glimpse into our future and what our youth hold to be important and worth fighting for. What are you fighting for? How will you use your voice?
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Civic Innovation Demo: My Digital Data Locker Baltimore
The My Digital Data Locker | Baltimore is a web-based tool that helps Baltimore City residents manage the documents necessary to access solutions to end homelessness. The system is simple, free to use, and secure. It was designed to give residents greater control over their personal information while improving the provision of government services.
Please join us for a demonstration and Q&A with two leaders on the project, Noah Harlan (Two Bulls) and Allison Price (New America). My Digital Data Locker | Baltimore was built in collaboration with the City of Baltimore’s Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services, The Journey Home, New America, Two Bulls, The Rockefeller Foundation, Kaiser Permanente, The Annie E Casey Foundation, and Amazon Web Services (AWS). This open source platform was released in Beta by New America's Digital Impact and Governance Initiative (DIGI) and is currently being tested in the city.

Noah Harlan, Founder, Two Bulls

Allison Price, Senior Advisor, Digital impact and Governance Initiative, and Blockchain Trust Accelerator, New America
12:30 PM - 12:50 PM
Cooking with Healthy Little Cooks
Please join us for a few minutes of fun in the kitchen with Healthy Little Cooks®. Healthy Little Cooks® is a fun cooking, nutrition education and media company that empowers kids and their parents with tools to shop, eat and cook healthy.
1:00 PM - 1:25 PM
Baltimore Born or Bred with Angel St. Jean
Host: Wiston Philip, Board Chair, Baltimore City Continuum of Care
Angel is a systems thinker committed to achieving equitable economic outcomes for people who have been disadvantaged in our economic system. Throughout her career, she has honed the skills and experience needed to design, lead and manage systems-level changes that scale impact. Most recently, Angel served as Assistant Director for Strategic Initiatives at the Baltimore City Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED) where she led the agency’s effort to build a citywide, coordinated workforce system and managed the Baltimore Workforce Development Board. Today Angel is the co-founder and CEO of The Black Brain Trust (TBBT), where she created a proprietary methodology for measuring equity in companies.

Host: Wiston Philip, Board Chair, Baltimore City Continuum of Care
1:30 PM - 1:50 PM
CoC Resource Fair
CoC Members and partners will share important information about resources available for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Baltimore City, including information about the City's Rapid Re-Housing Program.
2:00 PM - 2:25 PM
Virtual Career Services with The Mayor's Office of Employment Development (MOED)
3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Experts by Experience Sonce Reese, Shawn Jones, Anthony Williams, and Richard Mayo
A panel discussion led by individuals with lived experience of homelessness.
4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Young & Homeless: Voices from the Field Lolah James, Nate Fields, Melody Concas, Hendrik Schulte, Penny Gibson, Christina Dukes, Allen Blackwell, and Paroma Nandi.
A Mini Documentary on the realities of youth homelessness in Baltimore City and best practices for supporting youth and young adults who are housing insecure.
5:00 PM - 5:25 PM
Music Performance: The Upstarters
5:30 PM - 5:50 PM
Baltimore Born or Bred with Wes Moore
Host: Joseph "Joe" T. Jones, Jr. , President and CEO, Center For Urban Families, Inc
Wes Moore is the Chief Executive Officer of Robin Hood, one of the largest anti-poverty forces in the nation. A bestselling author, a combat veteran, and a social entrepreneur, Wes Moore grew up in Baltimore and the Bronx. His first book, “The Other Wes Moore,” a perennial New York Times bestseller, captured the nation’s attention on the fine line between success and failure in our communities and in ourselves. That story has been optioned by executive producer Oprah Winfrey and HBO to be made into a movie. Before becoming CEO at Robin Hood, Wes was the founder and CEO at BridgeEdU, an education platform based in Baltimore addressing the college completion and job placement crisis by reinventing freshman year for underserved students.
Joseph T. Jones, Jr. is the founder of the Center For Urban Families (CFUF), a Baltimore, Maryland nonprofit service organization established to strengthen urban communities by helping fathers and families achieve stability and economic success. Prior to founding CFUF, Mr. Jones developed and directed the Men’s Services program for the federally funded Baltimore Healthy Start initiative and replicated the Baltimore affiliate of the nationally recognized STRIVE employment services program. Mr. Jones is a national leader in workforce development, fatherhood, and family services programming. Through his professional and civic involvement, he has influences policy direction nationwide. He has received numerous awards and honors, including the White House Champion of Change Award and is a 2013 CNN Hero.
6:00 PM - 6:50 PM
Sponsored by Nuvegan
Join us for a few rounds of fun trivia on many topics including Baltimore and homelessness. You can play solo or bring your a team. The trivia segment will start at 6pm and will be hosted virtually via zoom. Players must join the game by 5pm ETS. Sign up information will be released on the day of the event. Prizes available.
7:00 PM - 7:25 PM
Baltimore Born or Bred with Danielle Torain
Host: Joe Jones, President and CEO, Center For Urban Families, Inc
A proud Baltimore native, Danielle Torain is the Director of Open Society Institute-Baltimore. For the past several years, she has worked with several organizations and agencies, including the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice and The Annie E. Casey Foundation and as an organizational development consultant, helping to advise and build capacity for social justice nonprofit groups. In the aftermath of Baltimore’s 2015 uprising following the death of Freddie Gray, Torain helped launch several initiatives aimed at connecting emerging activists with the philanthropic resources needed to carry out their work. Her work has been recognized through numerous honors and awards, including being named to Maryland Daily Record’s List of Maryland’s Top 100 Women.
Joseph T. Jones, Jr. is founder of the Center For Urban Families (CFUF), a Baltimore, Maryland nonprofit service organization established to strengthen urban communities by helping fathers and families achieve stability and economic success. Prior to founding CFUF, Mr. Jones developed and directed the Men’s Services program for the federally funded Baltimore Healthy Start initiative and replicated the Baltimore affiliate of the nationally recognized STRIVE employment services program. Mr. Jones is a national leader in workforce development, fatherhood and family services programming, and through his professional and civic involvement influences policy direction nationwide. Mr. Jones has received numerous awards and honors, including the White House Champion of Change and was a 2013 CNN Hero.
8:00 PM - 8:50 PM
The King of Howard Street: Play Screening with Live Commentary

A must watch: The King of Howard Street is adapted from Anthony Williams' personal journals. The Play explores his experience as a young man living in abandoned houses on Howard Street and exposes the realities of a status that many stably housed individuals and theatergoers are so fortunate to be spared from: Unsheltered Homelessness.
Anthony is a tireless advocate for housing justice with an outstanding track record of advocating for the inclusion of people with lived experience at all stages of the decision-making process. He is passionate about developing creative, long-term solutions to homelessness. In 1999, Anthony co-founded Picture the Homeless, a New York-based organization that mobilizes and empowers persons experiencing homelessness to impact policies and systems that affect their lives. He currently serves as the Co-Chair of Baltimore City Lived Experience Advisory Committee (LEAC) and sits on the executive committee of the Continuum of Care Board.
9:00 PM - 9:25 PM
Voices & Choices
Inspiring performances of music and movement immersed in dynamic vocal arrangements and spoken-word, by Dance & Bmore
Dance & Bmore is a Baltimore based ensemble of dancers, musicians, and theater-makers who create new and engaging works for audiences of all ages. Their performances are a dynamic fusion of contemporary dance, live music, vocals, and spoken-word that invite audiences to participate and celebrate light. Along with exciting performances, Dance & Bmore also provides community programs and classes for youth, families, and senior citizens throughout Baltimore. Learn more at

9:30 PM - 9:50 PM
Baltimore Born or Bred with Rev. Dr. Kevin Slayton Sr.
Rev. Dr. K. A. Slayton Sr. leads at the intersection of faith and public policy. Driven by an unwavering commitment to the pursuit of justice and equality, he has served communities at the margins in various capacities. This includes serving as Public Policy Director for the Public Justice Center, Program Officer for Associated Black Charities, Executive Director for the Baltimore City General Assembly Delegation, and lead consultant for his own firm, the Slayton Group. After several years serving in the non-profit sector and legislative arena, Rev. Dr. K. A. Slayton Sr. accepted his calling to preach the gospel.

Host: Wiston Philip, Board Chair, Baltimore City Continuum of Care
9:50 PM
Closing Remarks and Dance Party
Official Merchandise
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Special thanks to the following partners for their unwavering support: Baltimore City Mayor's Office of Employment Development, Nuvegan, Arts Every day, Dance & Bmore, Healthy Little Cooks