Every young person deserves to have a safe place to call home.
However, for many young Baltimoreans, this place does not exist.
About 1,698 young adults ages 18 to 24 will experience unaccompanied homelessness in Baltimore City in a given year. Nearly 6,758 young Baltimoreans ages 18 to 28 are unstably housed. About 228 individuals under the age of 18 will experience unaccompanied homelessness in Baltimore City in a given year. Approximately 532 minors are unstably housed in Baltimore City.
Youth and young adults experiencing homelessness in Baltimore City lack the consistency, stability, and safety that a home can provide. Even more alarming is the fact that many members of this already vulnerable population are unable to access systems and resources specific to homeless youth and young adults. Under these conditions and in the absence of positive influences, the ability to thrive is out of reach for young people who find themselves on the streets of Baltimore City.
Baltimore City YHDP
We are thrilled to have been selected by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to participate in the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP), an initiative that enabled our community to develop a more effective and sustainable plan tailored to the unique needs and challenges faced by every youth and young adult experiencing or at-risk of homelessness in Baltimore City.

Baltimore City Coordinated Community Plan
The Plan lays out a comprehensive and systemic approach to preventing and ending homelessness among young Baltimoreans and outlines specific goals, objectives, and strategies to achieve that end.