Upcoming Events

Please join us on September 23rd from 7PM to 10PM for an evening of fun, food, and community gathering in honor of our very own CoC Board Member, Anthony Williams. This event is hosted by the Baltimore Area Faces of Homelessness Speakers' Bureau. Proceeds will benefit the Journey Home's Flex Fund and the Speakers' Bureau. Dinner and light refreshments will be served.
Location (for In-Person): St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church, 120 N Front St. Baltimore, MD 21202
About anthony williams
Anthony Williams is a tireless advocate for housing justice with an outstanding track record of advocating for the inclusion of people with lived experience at all stages of the decision-making process. He is passionate about developing and implementing creative, long-term solutions to homelessness. In 1999, Anthony co-founded Picture the Homeless, a New York-based organization that mobilizes and empowers persons experiencing homelessness to impact policies and systems that affect their lives. The King of Howard Street, an original play adapted from Anthony Williams' personal journals, explores his experience as a young man living in abandoned buildings up and down Howard Street in Baltimore City and exposes the realities of a status that some stably housed individuals and theatergoers are so fortunate to be spared from: Unsheltered Homelessness. Anthony currently serves as the Co-Chair of Baltimore City Lived Experience Advisory Committee (LEAC) and sits on the executive committee of the Continuum of Care Board. We are so grateful for his contributions to the field and look forward to celebrating him and his accomplishments. Join us!
About the Faces of Homelessness Speakers' bureau
The Faces of Homelessness Speakers' Bureau emerged from the National Coalition for the Homeless in Washington, DC, when a local advocate began inviting his friends with lived experience to presentations on homelessness. The Baltimore's branch started in 2011. The group facilitates discussions on homelessness at schools, houses of worship, and other community locations around the metro area. Speakers have personally experienced homelessness and are working to end it by educating the public about the real and systemic causes of homelessness and what their experiences are like.
To learn more about the Faces of Homelessness Speakers' Bureau, please visit www.facebook.com/fhsbbmore