Get Involved
Continuum of Care Membership
Interested in becoming a CoC Member? Fill out one of these forms to register as an Individual or Agency member. By completing the Membership Form, you are declaring your commitment to participate actively and contribute to our collective goal to make homelessness in Baltimore City rare, brief, and non-recurring. There are two membership options described below.
As we strive to develop an inclusive, diverse, and highly engaged group of stakeholders, membership in the Baltimore City Continuum of Care is free. To establish eligibility for voting, Membership Commitment forms must be submitted at least one week prior to a Continuum meeting.
Please use the links below to navigate to the membership application forms. Please note — if your email is already in the system, you will be sent an activation code before proceeding. The activation code may take a few minutes to arrive. We deeply appreciate your partnership and collaboration!
Agency Membership
Agency membership forms should be completed by a designated "lead" at your agency, who will then have an opportunity to add an unlimited number of affiliated members/employees. Once the application is approved, you will be contacted to receive information on how to add additional contacts. The agency lead will serve as the main point of contact and be able to designate three participants to vote on their behalf. All leads and members will still receive updates, communication, and meeting invites from the CoC.
Individual Membership
Individual membership is reserved for participants who are not affiliated with a participating member agency.
Sign up for the Baltimore City Continuum of Care Mailing List
Be the first to know! The Continuum of Care regularly sends out messages with important announcements, resources, funding opportunities, and upcoming events. Click the button below to sign up. Please note: this is only a mailing list and does not constitute CoC membership.